Our next Free Community Outreach will be on Saturday, March 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Clothing of all sizes are needed. If you can’t come at 9:00 a.m., we could really use help packing up at 1:00 p.m. See Lavada about what you can do to help prepare for this event. 724-846-1242.


CHURCH ZOOM BOARD MEETING, Monday, March 17, at 7:00 p.m.


We will be meeting on Wednesday, March 12, at 6:00 p.m. at the Bridgewater Presbyterian Church. We will be serving Sloppy Joes and we would appreciate any sides to go along with them. Sister Heather Beckman will be our speaker that evening. On Wednesday, March 26, we will meet at 6:30 p.m. for “Yaks and Snacks”. Sister Darlene Nicholson will be doing a devotional. Bring a snack to share. All are welcome and please bring a friend.

Keepers of the House

KEEPERS OF THE HOUSE UPDATES: Phase III is our next step which is the interior of the church. God is so awesome! Please mark your envelopes KOH. Don’t forget our tithe offerings go to the running of the church so please continue to give.


Good News Clubs will be starting back up in March. Please keep the teams of volunteers in your prayers as well as the students. See Toni if you would like to help in this area.


Seasoned Saints get ready because Spring will be here before we know it and will be breaking through with new life. We will be starting up again in April so listen for any announcements.


We will still be having special speakers on Thursday evening services at 7:00 p.m. Listen for announcements on Sundays for who will be speaking that week.


A TIME OF PRAYER AND PRAISE at Mary Pat Cox’s home is every Tuesday from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to join us as we boldly approach the throne of God in intercession.

Online Giving

Benefits for you. 1. Give from anywhere using a computer, tablet or smartphone. 2. No need to find a check or stop by the ATM. 3. Use your checking/savings account or debit/credit card. 4. Schedule gifts to occur automatically. 5. Give to one or more funds at any time. You can find full details on your website at If you are in house, you can place your offering in the basket in the back of the church.

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Twitch Live Stream

Twitch may be a gaming platform and there are some streams that aren't appropriate. However, there are many family friendly streams like outdoor life, fishing and hiking, cooking streams, music and arts and crafts. You sign up on Twitch like you would Facebook. Join CLC on Twitch, follow and subscribe to us. Then search around for that stream that captures what you like to do in life. Schedule - Sunday Service – 10:30am. Sunday Evening 6pm – 1st and 3rd Sundays

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Facebook Live Stream

Watch live Sunday and Thursday services on Facebook

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DVD Ministry

All services are recorded and a DVD is available to anyone wanting a copy by signing the Media Form at the Welcome Center. See Jim Lonkert.


Come follow us on yourtube and check out livestreams and past broadcasts.

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